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Regular Board Meetings

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 11:30 A.M. Via Online Meeting at:

  • Dial-In: 1-719-359-4580
  • Meeting ID: 875 7212 9573
  • Passcode: 516161




July 18, 2024

            NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Boards of Directors of the RENDEZVOUS ARROW METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-8, of the Town of Winter Park, County of Grand, State of Colorado, will hold a consolidated special and organizational meeting at 11:00 a.m., on Thursday, July 18, 2024, via video conference at and via telephone conference at Dial-In: 1-719-359-4580, Meeting ID: 862 7486 3473, Passcode: 498858.  This meeting will be held for the purpose of conducting such business as may come before the Boards.  This meeting is open to the public.


1.       Call To Order/Declaration of Quorum

2.       Directors Matters/Disclosure Matters

3.       Approval of/Additions To/Deletions From the Agenda

4.       Public Comment For Matters Not on Agenda (limited to 3 minutes, per person)

5.       District Nos. 1-3 Only – Approval of Minutes

a.       Consider Approval of November 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes

b.       Consider Approval of November14, 2023 Study Session Annual Meeting Minutes

6.       District Nos. 4-8 Only - Organizational Items

a.       Consider Approval of Organizational Resolution, including:

                         i.      Election of Officers

                        ii.      Regular Meeting Dates/Location

b.     Consider Approval of Indemnification Resolution

c.      Consider Approval of Public Official Position Schedule Bonds

d.      Consider Adoption of Resolution Designating an Official Custodian for the Colorado Open Records Act

                      i.      Official Custodian Adoption of Rules Related to Requests for Inspection of Public Records Pursuant to Colorado Open Records Act

e.      Consider Engagement of Icenogle Seaver Pogue, P.C. for 2024 Legal Services

7.      Legal Matters


a.       District No. 1 Only:

1.       Consider Approval of Advance and Reimbursement Agreement (Operations & Maintenance Expenses)  

2.       Consider Approval of Amended and Restated Advance and Reimbursement and Facilities Acquisition Agreement (Capital Expenses)

3.       Consider Easement(s) Related to Town of Winter Park’s Authorization of Construction of Idlewild Park 

4.       Consider Bids Received and Award of Contract for Construction Management Services

5.       Consider Bids Received and Award of Contract for Idlewild Park at Rendezvous Project

6.       Consider Bids Received and Award of Contract for Rendezvous Water System: Pump House, Water Tank, Water Transmission Line Project

b.       District Nos. 2 & 3 Only:

1.       Consider Termination of Advance and Reimbursement and Facilities Acquisition Agreement

c.       District Nos. 1-3 Only:

                         i.            Public Hearing on Exclusion of Property from Rendezvous Arrow Metropolitan District Nos. 1, 2 &3

                                       1.      Consider Approval of Resolutions to Exclude Property

d.       All Districts:

                           i.            Consider Approval of Service Plan Intergovernmental Agreement with Town of Winter Park

                           ii.            Report re Developer Disclosure Notice per Amended and Restated Service Plan

                           iii.            Consider Approval of Rendezvous Arrow District Facilities Construction and Service Agreement

                           iv.            Consider Approval of Operations Financing IGA

                            v.            Consider Ratification of Amended and Restated Streamline Agreement Related to Consolidated District Websites with Rendezvous Arrow Metropolitan District Nos. 1-8

                             vi.            Consider Approval of Resolutions Determining Not to Provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage for Uncompensated Members of the Boards of Directors

                             vii.            Discuss HB 21-1110 and Rules Establishing Technology Accessibility Standards

                                               1.       Consider Approval of Resolutions Adopting Technology Accessibility Statement and Technical Standards and Ratify Posting

8.      Financial Matters

a.       District No. 1 Only:

a.       Consider Approval/Ratification of Claims

b.       Consider Acceptance of Unaudited Financial Statements

b.       District Nos. 1-3 Only:

a.       Ratification of 2023 Audit Exemptions

c.       District Nos. 4-8 Only:

a.       Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed 2023 Budget

                           i.            Public Comment Period

                          ii.            Consider Approval of Resolution Approving Proposed 2023 Budget and Appropriate Sums of Money

b.       Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed 2024 Budget

                           i.            Public Comment Period

                          ii.            Consider Approval of Resolution Approving Proposed 2024 Budget and Appropriate Sums of Money

c.       Authorize Obtaining

                        i.            Federal Employer Identification Number

                       ii.            Sales Tax Exemption for Colorado Organizations

                      iii.            PDPA Number for Public Funds Deposited in Banks

9.       Other Business

10.    Adjourn



By: /s/  Icenogle | Seaver | Pogue

A Professional Corporation

General Counsel to the District